
How to Keep Eyeglasses from Slipping Down Your Nose

6:27 PM

Keep Eyeglasses from Slipping Down Your NosePlastic glasses are super cool. They are trendy, hip and fun, except for one thing, they easily slip down your nose even with the right measurements. So how do keep those super cool spectacles from slipping down your face?

I wear glasses because I need them. I prefer plastic frames over metal ones because I have an allergic reaction to metal frames, either my skin becomes red and itchy or the metal frame becomes discolored after some time.

Another reason why I chose plastic frame glasses is because they never go out of style because of their classic design. It makes you look smart instantly, as well. The only problem is that even if I they have the right measurement for my face, they keep slipping down my nose. And THAT is NOT cool! It is annoying and bothersome.

So I learned this neat little trick from a friend who has been wearing glasses all her life and I would like to share it you. I am sure many of you have the same problem. It a very simple, yet effective and cheap solution.

Keep Eyeglasses from Slipping Down Your Nose
All you need are two pieces of rubber bands, one for each arm of your glasses. 
The regular, yellow-colored ones used for office files will do. You can also use loom bands if you want. It is up to you. No one will notice it anyway.

Keep Eyeglasses from Slipping Down Your Nose

So, all you have to do, is tie one rubber band around one arm of you glasses. At the part that goes right at the back of your ear. And do the same thing to the other arm. It would not look so nice, but no one will notice the rubber bands while you are wearing your glasses, because your hair would hide them.

It works instantly, guaranteed! Try it. (note: this is from my old blog which i am discontinuing)

If you want to add a touch of drama behind your glasses, wear eyeliner. If you want to do it with some color and you have eyes like mine that is hooded, you can do makeup for Asian eyes

Got any ideas? I would love to read your comments.

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  1. THANK YOU!!! I am at my desk and bothered that my NEW glasses kept sliding down my nose and thought I would have to buy something I googled the ? your answer came up , I reached in my drawer put on the rubber bands and instant correction !!! THANK YOU !!!


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