
Makeup for Asian Eyes

5:11 AM

Makeup for Asian Eyes

Makeup for Asian Eyes

Here is a very simple way to add dramatic make up to Asian eyes. It is light enough to wear as daytime makeup.

We all love to doll up every once in a while. While some of us are brave enough to try makeup that is bold and daring. There are those who want it subtle but flirty. Here's a nice way to combine pink and violet on the eyelids then topped with a winged eyeliner.
1Step 1: Prepare your face especially the area around the eyes.


Step 2: Apply concealer or primer. It helps to add a eye primer to avoid creasing later during the day.


Step 3: Set it by applying loose powder or face powder that matches your skin tone.

4Step 4: Apply a light pink eye shadow over your lid up to your brow bone.


Step 5: With an angled brush add violet eye shadow in the inner and outer corners of your eyes.  Blend with a clean brush.


Step 6: Add black or a very dark shade of violet on the outer corner and the outer lash line. Always use a clean brush to blend eye shadow.


Step 7: Apply liquid eyeliner

8Step 8: Apply your favorite mascara

Step 9: Fill your brows using eyebrow liner or eyebrow powder


Step 10: Finished!

ALSO READ: WING IT! Apply Winged Eyeliner Like a Pro

 Note: I shared this article on http://www.instructables.com/id/Makeup-for-Asian-Eyes/

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