
Palty Creamy Hair Dye in Hard Bleach Gold Brown: Love it!

9:15 AM

I wanted lighter hair and I am very happy with the result I got from using Palty Creamy Hair Dye. But before that, here is what happened.

I almost gave on dying my hair at home because I got unsatisfactory results with 3 attempts. I would rather do it myself because I am not always comfortable with other people handling my hair. 

Anyway, just a month after I had my hair rebonded, I bought a Hortaleza Professional Hair Coloring Cream in Light Ash Blonde or shade no. 8.1 from HBC so I could finally cover that more than an inch of hair growth. Because I was, technically, dying my black hair, I used the cream with a 12% oxidizing lotion from the same store. 

I must have made a mistake somewhere but it did not work on my hair. I still have more than an inch of black growth. (sigh!) So, I waited for another month, bought the same brand but this time I went for Hair Bleach Cream or No. 10.0 with the 12% oxidizing lotion—I mean come on it says “hair bleach,” right? It worked but I only got a dark brown hue at the growth and the rest of my hair looked the same.  So it was a waste of my time.

I have nothing against that product. I have used it before when my hair was virgin and I was happy with the results. I simply don’t know what happened now.

Then I tried another product after 2 weeks—already impatient, wasn’t I? On my third attempt, I used Liese Creamy Bubble Color in Milky Brown Tea. It was easy to use and it was not messy. It lightened my hair but I wanted something lighter.

Finally after two weeks, I was already contemplating on going to a salon, I needed hair treatments anyway. You can only imagine the damage I had already caused to my hair. It was not really that bad, but my hair was already kind of dry. 

I was in a supermarket, at the hair section and I saw another Japanese product. I had a fairly good experience with Liese Creamy Bubble Color so this other one must be just as good. 

I bought Palty Creamy Hair Dye in Hard Bleach Gold Brown. Okay, it looked scary but it was not the first time I was going to bleach my hair and I was going to get hair treatments soon so I decided to take the risk—go the DIY route for the last time.

The package looked promising and thank goodness for the English instructions that had been glued to one side.

Palty Creamy Hair Dye in Hard Bleach Gold Brown

I looked at the color guide. It was in Japanese but the first picture shows that it will make very dark hair several shades lighter. “So this I have to try!” I told myself.

Palty Creamy Hair Dye in Hard Bleach Gold Brown
 The package comes with this items. So it has everything that you need including gloves. You wont even need a mixing bowl or a special comb to do the job.

And the set of instructions. 
Heads up: You need to carefully understand the instructions, which are a little confusing as it must have been merely translated directly from Japanese. But it was not really so difficult to grasp.

Basically, you will be mixing the bleach powder with solution number two and shake it a lot of times to mix them well. It will look bluish once mixed but don't freak out. It is normal.Then you will mix the yellow tube labelled as the number one again. Shake the bottle until the liquids have all blended together.


So this is my hair before I applied the product.
Ten minutes into the waiting time, you can see how much the solution has changed my hair. I decided to wait a little longer. It did not produce foam or bubbles like
Liese Creamy Bubble Color but it was just as easy to apply.
And the end result. Tada! Finally got the product that satisfied my expectations. It did not damage my hair the way I feared it would knowing that it says "Hard Bleach." But then again, I need to schedule an appointment with a hairstylist for hair treatments.
Palty Creamy Hair Dye in Hard Bleach Gold Brown

 My only regret is that I did not buy it sooner. It only cost P389. It also had a slight odor, but what can you expect from a hair coloring product?

Final Verdict:
Color: 5/5 
Ease of use: 4/5
Damage: Maybe 3/5
Would I recommend: Yes

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