
Hair Bleaching Fail: Now It is Yellow

10:41 AM

It is summer and everyone seems to go lighter--I am talking about hair color. I decided to join the bandwagon, not to mention I was always curious of what it is like to have super light hair...and then pastel hair...and so on. I basically want to experiment with bolder colors before I turn 40---oops that a lot of years ahead of me.

Anyways...if you can still remember I used Palty Creamy Hair Dye in Hard Bleach Gold Brown about two weeks ago and I was pretty satisfied with the results. Later on,  however, I realized I wanted an even lighter hair. I did my research and found that you can bleach hair after at least a week.

I Bleached My Hair and Now It Is Yellow
Two weeks after my first attempt to bleach my hair.
I must also mention that I have learned that bleaching hair to achieve that super pale shade don't usually happen in one go. I realized that doing at home is actually a long and tedious process--and a lot more...read on.

I already had the intention to bleach my hair again but because I was afraid that I might (further) damage my hair, I waited 2-3 more weeks. While I was waiting, I found out that there is an even lighter shade than the one I previously used.

So I bought Palty Creamy Hair Dye  Mecha Flash Bleach Sparkling Blond. So far, it had more good reviews than bad. Here is the product.

I Bleached My Hair and Now It Is Yellow
Let's compare the two products for a quick second. As you can see, the box says that Mecha Flash Bleach Sparkling Blond should produce significantly lighter results than Hard Bleach Gold Brown. Take a look at the pictures.

I Bleached My Hair and Now It Is Yellow
So I went ahead and bleached my hair for the second time hoping to get the same color as indicated on the top of the box. And because its been a couple of weeks since the first time I used bleach, there is already growth of course. And besides some black hair on my head, the rest of my hair has turned  BRASSY, something I should have paid attention to earlier.

Anyways, let's move on. After applying the latest bleach I bought, my hair was indeed lighter. I did not go too near the roots as I was too scared. Also, I left it on for 30 minutes max only.

So this is the before and after photo:
I Bleached My Hair and Now It Is Yellow
Yes, it is obviously lighter and brighter but far from what the top of the box shows. I would not blame it on the product, though, as it did what I expected it to do. Here is the big red flag, my hair is yellow, or yellow orange and that is absolutely not what I was hoping for. I thought I would get Platinum locks like Daenerys--toink! But my expectations were too high and my knowledge was insufficient.

I did not do enough research. The journey to achieving a really really pale blonde does not end with Palty Hair Dye. Even if I followed the many stages of bleaching, or used another brand, I would still get the same freakishly yellow strands. EEW!

Here is another angle:
I Bleached My Hair and Now It Is Yellow

Later on I found out that the orange or brassy color is due the fact that dark hair has yellow or orange undertones and bleaching alone will not take that away.  I have also learned that there is still another step to do: TONE. as in WHAT?! It is not easy to find a hair toner here.

Besides the fact I would have to order that hair toner online, I have three other considerations. I am not bleaching my hair again, at least in the next two months. Next, I do not want to use another strong hair dye. Lastly, my hair is now super dry.

However, I am willing to spare another room for one more product which I am very interested to try. This product is Manic Panic Virgin Snow. It is used as a hair toner and it seems pretty popular these days. I see this product every time I Google hair toners. It is hard to find locally--sob sob. So I would have to get it online and it is quite pricey. Before I do that, I will search the city for this product first and I should update you within a week.

In the meantime, my next quest is to use a DIY hair toner because I really need to take this horrible yellowness off my head as in ASAP. I have read articles saying regular shampoo (it should be white and sulfate free) or keratin treatment plus blue food color should work. So I gotta try this one. This will be my quest tomorrow. Please stay tuned for updates and feel free to pitch in your suggestions below.

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  1. I've always wanted to bleach my hair but I've always been scared to do so. The color looks great, though! <3


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