
Blonde Hair Gone Wrong: Dealing With Orange or Yellow Hair After Bleaching (Part 1)

7:48 PM

This is what you will be dealing with when you bleach your hair at home. I hope this article will help those are thinking about doing this the DIY way and hopefully you won't experience that blonde hair fail moment that I did.

First of, I must apologize for not sending an update the day after I used Palty Hair Dye Mecha Flash Bleach Sparkling Blonde. As I have previously said, the dye or bleach turned my hair yellowish or orangy. With this horrible hair, I am a head turner for all the wrong and unflattering reasons--Totally NOT cool!
Blonde Hair Gone Wrong: Dealing With Orange or Yellow Hair After Bleaching
My super orange hair after using a Palty Creamy Hair Bleaching Product

I have been searching local stores for that Manic Panic Puple Haze, which in my research is a highly recommended ingredient for a DIY toner. Better if I could find Manic Panic Virgin Snow. I know I can buy these two products online but it would take at least a week before it arrives at my doorstep not to mention that they are a bit pricey. 

Blonde Hair Gone Wrong: Dealing With Orange or Yellow Hair After Bleaching
To my disappointment, I could not find them here. I could not even find any hair toner at all. You can now imagine tears to start falling down my face. *SIGH* And considering that I needed to get rid of the yellow/orange tinge in my hair, that is really very striking, I have no choice but to go the DIY route.

Okay, I said, since I was going to experiment with a DIY hair toner then I should bleach my hair one more time and hopefully get that matte platinum color--too ambitious for my own good.

Post DIY Hair Bleaching Woes: Dealing With Orange or Yellow HairLet's get right to it. An experiment bound to be another mishap. Please, learn from my experiment folks. They say that to lift or neutralize, yellow or orange tones in the hair--brassy tones, one can use white shampoo/conditioner and blue or purple food coloring.

I went over to HBC--yes, I had the intention to bleach again. I bought a packet of bleach powder and 9% developer. I was too scared to go with 12%. And because I was about to fry my hair again, this time for the third time. I bought Hortaleza's Keratin Hot Oil Treatment.

I am not endorsing Hortaleza or HBC, you can go ahead and use whatever brand you like. It is just that HBC is one of my go-to place for hair coloring products.

The bleaching part 

For the third time, I bleached my hair. I had to pay attention to the spots that I missed the second time I did it (Palty). However I did not jump right into bleaching my hair right after mixing the bleaching powder and developer to a creamy consistency. I cut a few strands of my hair, better safe than sorry and dipped it in the solution.I used it as a gauge, or like a timer, or my sort of lab rat, you get the point.
Blonde Hair Gone Wrong: Dealing With Orange or Yellow Hair After Bleaching
Better safe than sorry. I left a small portion untouched by the bleach
Blonde Hair Gone Wrong: Dealing With Orange or Yellow Hair After Bleaching
 So I did the bleaching part. My scalp felt itchy at first and the solution smelled like cat piss. Then wrap my hair with food wrap. I was nervous. After 15 minutes I checked the test strands and when it was pretty light (about 3 shades lighter)

The unflattering head wrap------------------------------------->

Post DIY Hair Bleaching Woes: Dealing With Orange or Yellow Hair
I decided to rinse the bleach off my head. The strands of hair seemed okay, so I though the hairs on my hair are still okay.I shampooed twice. Then tada...my hair is even orangier--or yellower than before with uneven spots. I did not even include my baby hair. Another bleaching hair fail. EEEEK! What have I done? But I must move on.

Attempting with DIY Homemade Hair Toner

So the next thing to do was to get rid of this horrible bright yellow shade that made my hair look and feel like egg noodles. In the absence of those commercially sold toning products, I experimented with my DIY hair toner. For this, I used Hotaleza's Keratin Hot Oil treatment and McCormick's blue food color. A few drops should do the trick.

Blonde Hair Gone Wrong: Dealing With Orange or Yellow Hair After Bleaching
My first mixture was too dark and I was too afraid to use it. So I made another mixture that came out a lighter shade of blue, dipped the strands of hair I cut earlier.

I rinsed the test strands after 30 mins and it looked even lighter with most of the yellow--not all--gone. The conditioner +food color combination seemed promising so I proceeded with my actual hair.

I left it on for about an hour. When I rinsed my hair, it seemed to work. The keratin treatment gave my hair instant relief from the harsh bleaching process. Under the lighting it seemed like some of the horrible yellow was gone.  I must admit though that there are still uneven spots--the disadvantage of bleaching hair on your own.

After all the trouble I went through, these are the results:

Post DIY Hair Bleaching Woes: Dealing With Orange or Yellow Hair


Blonde Hair Gone Wrong: Dealing With Orange or Yellow Hair After Bleaching
I have to say I am not really happy with the results for me, it is a case of blonde hair gone wrong (sigh). I did not get the lightness that I wanted. For one, I was too chicken to let the bleach stay longer...or maybe I did the right thing...and two, I still have dark brown strands in some parts of my head. Third, I can't take the yellow tinge completely off my hair. One thing felt certain. My hair needed some time to recover before I do (chemically) something  to it again.

There are also several other factors. Maybe I did not use the right stuff (conditioner and food coloring) or maybe I did not leave it on my hair long enough. I have seen bloggers or youtubers perform the same experiment using other brands with much better results.

In my case, I am giving my hair a rest for at least 4 weeks. And finally, I have decided to get either Wella Color Charm T18 Lightest Ash Blonde or Manic Panic Virgin Snow and use them as toners. And I will also buy Manic Panic Purple Haze so I could mix it with a good conditioner for weekly maintainance. It may cost more than the those I have used before but I am now at a point where I should finally get it right. (Disclaimer: I am not endorsing these products. I am doing this out of my own interest and curiosity.) If you have any suggestions please write it in the comments below.
Blonde Hair Gone Wrong: Dealing With Orange or Yellow Hair After Bleaching

ALSO READ: Palty Creamy Hair Dye in Hard Bleach Gold Brown: Love it!

or you can read about the second time I tried to make my hair lighter here.

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  1. hi there we have somewhat the same problem lol
    but my hair is like caramel like color instead of bright yellow and I just had a keratin treatment and of course I can't lighten my hair again with bleach :( will sit for 3-4 months with this yellow orangy hair :( original hair is jet black


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