
DIY Hair Toner: From Brassy Hair to Ash Blonde Hair

12:59 AM

I finally found a way to fix my orange/yellow hair with a two-ingredient DIY hair toner.

Hi, guys! It has been a while since my last post. I have been super busy trying to fix (or maybe the opposite) my hair the DIY way. Before I start, I want to let you know that I am getting a toner and I will order it after our family trip. But, there are two reasons that pushed me to try my luck with another DIY toner recipe:

  • Many people claim it works
  • I can't stand my yellow hair and I can't wait until the toner finally arrives at my doorstep.
Last time, I tried a DIY Hair Toner, made with keratin oil treatment and blue food color, after I bleached my hair for the third time. You can read the whole story here. Unfortunately, the results were so minimal it was not worth the trouble.

Note: I don't recommend that you bleach your hair yourself because it is a risky process but if you are like me for some reason, proceed at your own risk but do your research first. This is my own personal experience which may or may not apply to another person.

Moving on, I just could not stand the yellow hair anymore and it was making me feel like a super saiyan (Dragon Ball Z fans out there?) under certain lighting conditions. Hmmm I wonder what happens to bleached hair when you swim in sea water? We are going to Boracay this weekend, by the way...

Going back, I was at a mall and I stumbled across this cheap (about P50 or $1 more or less) but registered violet hair dye. It is not always easy to find a violet dye, but there it was. I thought that if it worked, one tube would certainly go a looooong way. The brand is Bremod. It is sold in many malls, just that 0.22 or violet is quite a rare find.
DIY Hair Toner: From Brassy Hair to Ash Blonde Hair
I mixed about a half teaspoon of this dye with 3 sachets of Hortaleza Keratin Oil treatment (that is about 3 tablespoons). The dye was white, not violet, by the way, but some of the dye that was close to the neck of the tube for some reason had turned violet. This explains why there's a tinge of violet in the mixture on the picture. And one more thing, the strong purple color on the side of the plastic container is a stain from the food dye I previously used. I tried to wash it but it won't come off.

Anyways, the mixture did not change color, YET. So I cut some of my hair. Hahaha, I still have dark brown strands--the big disadvantage of bleaching your hair by yourself. I lightened it with some  bleach for about 10 minutes (its a fresh mix, take note) before I rinsed it. When I dipped the hair into the DIY hair toner, it turned violet. Okay, I said, now that is something. 
DIY Hair Toner: From Brassy Hair to Ash Blonde Hair

I waited for another ten minutes, and then rinsed it. Wow! The homemade hair toner did lift the brassy tone out of the "test" strands. Sorry, I did not take the picture. So I went on and applied the mixture on my hair and massaged it all over. After 10 minutes, the conditioner turned light purple, it was reacting with my hair. To be honest, I was slightly nervous--what if my hair turned violet???
DIY Hair Toner: From Brassy Hair to Ash Blonde Hair

After 15 minutes, I rinsed it and my yellow super saiyan hair was gone. Instead, I got ash blond hair with some platinum strands (those that were left super light by previous bleaching.) It was not really what I was hoping for. I thought I was finally going to get something like platinum--silly me! What I got was some ashy blonde shade but  i was pretty happy with it. 

To make the long story short, i mixed about half a teaspoon of Bremod Violet (0.22) dye with 3 sachets of Hortaleza's Keratin hot oil treatment. Mixed it and left it on my hair for about 15 minutes. The result:

DIY Hair Toner: From Brassy Hair to Ash Blonde Hair
It still  looks slightly yellow/orange but that is just the color of our door reflecting on my hair.

Here is another picture. Taken in another angle. I am happy that it isn't orange anymore.
DIY Hair Toner: From Brassy Hair to Ash Blonde Hair

Please, let me know what you think in the comments below.

DIY Hair Toner: From Brassy Hair to Ash Blonde Hair

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  1. Where did u find the bremod dye?

  2. Hi! Found it in a local store here in Bacolod.

  3. If you cant find Bremod, you can use Pixxel by Lolane. They have violet. and Pixxel is sold in many stores across the country

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  5. Thank you for this hack!!! I bought a purple shampoo but it did no good to my golden-yellow-orange-y bleached hair. Will try this one and see if it'll work for me :)

    1. At the hair supply store s,they HV a blue shampoo by matrix.which is great,need to put it on wet hair leave on 20 min first time,does great,use it til you get the brassy out.then jus every so often.r your hair will be blue.also has a blue conditioner

  6. How long did it last?

    1. A week or two, i have to do this at least once a week or as needed

  7. Hi! Would love to try this out but I wanted to know what other possible chances there are to use if hortazelas keratin hot oil treatment isnt found? And how would you measure 'half teaspoon' for the violet hair dye exactly? Will be waiting for your response, thanks!

    1. I believe any white colored conditioner will do. I used the teaspoon as in the dining ware kind. If your hair is more on the orange side you probabaly need more if your hair is yellow to light yellow you might just need to mix a. Bit of violet dye to get a. Loght purple of lavender color... I did many strand test to get the right mixture for my hair. Thanks


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