
Taking Glutathione Supplements for Whiter, Glowing Skin: 1 Week Later...My Skin Whitening Journey

9:34 PM

This is an update, one week later. Am I whiter? Do I have glowing skin? Did I miss anything? Well read on, loves.

As I have promised last week, I will deliver a weekly update while I am taking glutathione supplements for achieving whiter, glowing skin. The brand that I am currently using is Royale Gluta Power 700

DISCLAIMER: This is not a sponsored post. I am neither reviewing the product mentioned. I am just a user. So basically I am documenting my experience with taking gluta capsules. I might review this brand after 1 month.

Going back to Royale's Gluta Power 700, 1 capsule contains 500 mg of L-Glutathione, 100mg of Vitamin C and 100mg of Grapeseed Extract. According to the maker of this supplement:

  1. Glutathione lightens the skin in increased dosage by inhibiting melanin production. Generally, glutathione boosts the immune system and detoxifies the body. The skin whitening power of this compound is just a side effect.
  2. For whiter skin you need to take two capsules daily but if you only plan to use it as an antioxidant or you just want to be healthier, 1 capsule a day should suffice.
  3. Grape Seed Extract is like a booster because it is '20x more potent than vitamin E' so they say. This one is said to be beneficial to the cardiovascular system.
Moving on, even if this brand has added Vitamin C to the glutathione capsule, I still take it with 2 tablets of Vitamin C. Glutathione needs this vitamin in order for the body to absorb it.

For now enough of the scientific facts. Did my skin lighten?

I don't see anything...At least not yet. Maybe because I only took 1 capsule per day for the past seven days. Glowing skin, i think so but it is not so obvious yet. I just feel like my skin looks a bit better compared to when I was not taking these capsules.

The good news is that my husband told me, I appear lighter than I was before...hmmmm...that is encouraging. We shall see more effects in the next couple of weeks.

On the other hand, what changes did I feel? Well, I am impressed that:

  1. I feel less tired, despite having only an average of 4 hours of sleep everyday (come on please understant I have a 3 y/o son with special needs and an online job...so good luck to me...hehehe. Carry lang, bes!)
  2. I feel like I have more energy. Oh, thank god!
  3. I can concentrate better.
  4. And the on and off pain in my wrist is GONE! 
A round of applause for the mighty capsules!

 Glutathione Supplements for Whiter, Glowing Skin: 1 Week Later

Side effects:

  1. Sometimes I feel like I am having diarrhea, but it is not that bad. Feels like lang
  2. The increased vitamin C consumption makes me want to eat more.
  3. I have very small breakouts, not so alarming, though!
And the final verdict...

I will continue taking this for the health benefits. I still do want to have whiter skin in the long run. So in the next following days, I will take two capsules per day. 1 in the morning and 1 before bedtime. Then I will write another update next week.

Here are a couple of pictures. I will try to get a better snap next week nonetheless the pictures show I am still morena (brown).
Glutathione Supplements for Whiter, Glowing Skin: 1 Week Later

Glutathione Supplements for Whiter, Glowing Skin: 1 Week Later
If you want to read about how it started and see my "BEFORE" photos here is the article:
Glutathione Pills: Will It Work For Me?

And you may also check this video:

Until Next time :)

Like and and share...thanks. XOXO

Glutathione Supplements for Whiter, Glowing Skin: 1 Week Later


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  1. Glad it was effective. Keep.on using it until few months to see the best desired result.


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