
4 Most Amazing Products for Bleached Hair

4:58 AM

On a scale of 1 to 10 with ten being the highest, I would describe my hair damage as 8. Ten would be something like it is already falling off with the slightest touch so it is just an 8. So for months I have been looking for the most amazing products for bleached hair.

My hair is super porous. It breaks easily when it is wet. It feels like rubber when it is halfway dry. And when it is completely dry it feels like cotton candy. That is the high price you pay when you are a bleach blond.

However, I am no way near giving up on having platinum head--at least not yet--so I get help from a number of hair products besides the extra moisturizing purple shampoo and heavy duty conditioner that I always have in the shower.

Over the course of four months, I have tried over dozens of hair products in the hopes of fixing my bleached hair. But the truth is that bleached hair is equivalent to damaged hair no matter what you do. The only way to fix the damage is to cut it off. Whatever "fix" expensive salons or premium products promise it is just a temporary remedy. It is just like putting concealer over blemishes---you get that. Nothing can reverse the damage.

However, if you are like me--still enjoying the platinum/silver hair trend then you need to arm yourself with an arsenal of hair-saving products that can make your hair feel and look OK even if it really is not. Thank god for these four amazing products that work wonders for my brittle locks. I do not expect these products to fix my hair, though, but they do make it feel and look better.

Just a little disclaimer first: This is not a sponsored post. I did not get these products for free. Moreover what works for me may not work for everybody but I came up with this list hoping that you find it helpful. So take note, my super honest comments are based on my own personal experience

Without further ado, for me, these are the most amazing products for bleached hair.

4 Most Amazing Products for Bleached Hair

#4 Pantene Pro-V 3 Minute Miracle Summer Rescue 

This is the most affordable conditioner that indeed does miracles on very dry and damaged hair. For less than Php 200 ($4+/-) it is widely available in all supermarkets in the country.  It contains the right ingredients to make my hair less frizzy even on super humid days. It is also very thick so it does not fall off or get messy as you apply it on your damp hair. I would take a generous amount of this baby and massage it on the ends of my hair. then I work my way up to my scalp. I do not put so much of this on my roots since i have oily scalp. Instead i concentrate on the ends where it is the driest and the frizziest. I leave it on for 3 minutes and rinse it off. Try it and see the difference.

Pantene Pro V 3 Minute Miracle Treament Summer Rescue

#3 L'oreal Liss Unlimited Keratinoil Complex

This hair masque is super amazing. But it is also very pricey because it is an imported product that are sold only in selected salons. I try to use as little of this as possible because I try to make tipid (save). Thankfully, all I need for my short hair is a dollop no wider than a ten peso coin. It keeps my hair from looking like cotton candy when it is dry. It promises smoother hair for up to four days. Do not get your hopes high, though, if you have severely damage hair. Nevertheless, it does make my strands feel more hydrated and more tamable. I bought this small tub for about Php1000 (about $20) and I use it 1-2 times per week. For me, this masque can go up to 2-3 months.
L'oreal Liss Unlimited Keratinoil Complex Masque

#2 EVA NYC Speed It Up Blow Dry Spray

I bought this product at SM Department store for Php699. I mentioned in my previous posts that bleached hair takes an awfully long time to dry. I use this product on the rare occasions that I really need to blow dry. Also take note that when you have bleached hair you need to stay away from styling tools that use heat and if you really have to, you gotta put something that will protect your hair. Well, this one not only cuts drying time into half it also protects your hair from the heat. It has a nice mild scent, by the way.

I also spray this on my hair even if I only want to let it air dry. I makes my hair dry faster that way. So for me, this product is a must have.
EVA NYC Speed It Up Blow Dry Spray

#1 Two Step Protein Treatment and Balancing Moisturizer from Aphogee

This is heaven sent. This product is a hair saver.  I know that this sounds exaggerated, but to give you a clear picture let us say that after each time I bleach my hair i see about 100 strands fall down the drain every time i shampoo not to mention that the ends of my hair are super fried. After using this pair, 100 is down to--say--10 or 20 strands. It makes my hair look and feel better, too. So even if it costs about Php 1000 it is a must have. You need to find it and buy it. I bought mine online from Rainbow Head because it is not available in local stores.

The only drawback is that it smells very bad so you need to be in a well ventilated room. It is also very runny, almost liquid and sticky so it is kind of messy to apply. Also, follow instructions really carefully because this products can do serious damage if used improperly. Also, one bottle is good for several uses depending on the length and thickness of your hair. And the protein that it binds to your hair lasts 4-6 weeks so in the long run this product is not really that expensive. 

I think this is better than Brazilian Keratin Blowout because formaldehyde scares me. But that is just my opinion! I am not sure if this one is formaldehyd-free, or, it most likely has it because it hardens into your hair but I think it is the "lesser evil" and again make sure that you are in a well ventilated room when you use the protein treatment.
Aphogee Two-Step Protein Treatment
So that is my list of the most amazing products for bleached hair based on experience. 

Have you tried them? What are your thoughts?

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  1. This is great info! I tried both Pantene & Loreal, gonna try the rest of the 2 products!


  2. Hi there! Where can you buy the aphogee?


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