
Product Review: Ishigaki Amino Classic White

6:29 PM

Here I am again with a review of another brand of Glutathione supplement. This time it is Ishigaki Amino Classic White. Is it effective? Read on to find out.

My review is based on my personal opinion and personal experience with this product. 

Most of us know that Glutathione is an antioxidant formed in the liver. It brings the body many health benefits and as a bonus. Unfortunately, due to factors like improper diet, stress and other things, not all people have enough glutathione in the body. Because of that, glutathione supplements in the form of capsules have become popular.

Aside from being an antioxidant, glutathione pills have another interesting side effect. High amounts of glutathione in the body can lead to fairer and whiter skin. That is the reason why I started taking glutathione supplements 3 months ago.

As you can see in this blog, I have already tried two brands and was able to achieve considerable results. The only problem with those other brands was availability and because of that, I ended up buying Ishigaki Amino Classic White from a legit online store.

I will now go over the basic things you need to know about these pills.

First of all, it is effective and inexpensive. When I bought my first bottle of Ishigaki from a certain online store, it cost me PHP 1,200 (inclusive of shipping costs). If you want to get a much better deal, go to this LINK instead. Boy! I wish I had found out sooner.

Anyway, the recommended dose is one to two capsules per day so one bottle is pretty much good for one month as in my case. I took 2 capsules per day because I wanted to get the skin whitening benefits in the shortest time possible.

Each pill is very white in color and has that distinctive “rotten egg” smell. Don’t worry, it is not that bad and it is absolutely tolerable if you are not OA (overacting).

The formulation of each capsule is:

L-Glutamic Acid 200m
Glycine 200mg
N-Acetyl L-Cysteine 200mg
L-Cysteine 50mg
L-Methionine 50mg
Citric Acid 50mg

This goes to show that unlike other brands, Ishigaki provides the breakdown of the glutathione blend that is contained in every capsule.

Other ingredients: Gelatin, titanium dioxide, magnesium stearate.

As to its authenticity, I believe it is authentic because I used one pill to perform the Betadine test and it passed so far. But take note that the Betadine test does not measure how effective it is, it only helps to tell you that the pills are not fake. Take note, as well, that there are fake Ishigaki capsules out there so be mindful of where you buy it from.

I have not come across a fake Ishigaki glutathione supplement but, those who have encountered fake ones say that the prints on the bottle will tell you if it is indeed FAKE. I am one hundred and one percent sure that the one I bought is authentic so check out the pictures below.

Ishigaki Amino Classic White

Ishigaki Amino Classic White
Front view. Take a look at the spacing of the letters and the quality of the print

Ishigaki Amino Classic White
The capsules are white and should have that rotten egg smell

Ishigaki Amino Classic White
The bottle has information of the product formulation
Ishigaki Amino Classic White
A seal that shows it is authentic

So the bottom line…

What I like about it, is that:
  1. It is very effective! I saw glowing and super soft skin as early as one week.\
  2. It has whitening effect. I noticed that I was a shade lighter after one bottle. But take note that I have been taking glutathione supplements for many weeks before taking Ishigaki.
  3. My face is less oily but not dry.
  4. It is not difficult to swallow.
  5. I did not get any upset stomach, no food cravings
  6. It has no effect on your mood.
  7. I have better sleep.
  8. Best of all, it is affordable.
What I don’t like about it, is that:
  1. It gave me pimples. It is not that bad but one or two would show up every once in a while. When one pimple goes away, another shows up. You know…
  2. I do not like the yellowish glow it gives you. Some like it, but with the other brands the glow was kind of rosy.
  3. The supplier run out of stock so it will take a week before I can continue with a second bottle.

Side notes:
  1. I still have freckles and I do not believe that glutathione can erase that.
  2. I have large pores, although they appear less prominent, I don’t expect glutathione to erase them too.
  3. I have arthritis in my wrists and joints in the hands and I haven’t suffered from it since I started taking glutathione pills.
Also, take note that skin whitening is only a side effect of taking glutathione pills. As an antioxidant it will first do its magic inside your body. Only when your body inside has had its fill of this antioxidant will you then start to see the skin whitening benefits. This is to say that the effect of glutathione still varies from one person to the other so I am speaking from my personal experience.

So the final verdict is…

Ishigaki Amino Classic White is affordable and effective, so I will definitely purchase again. You too can achieve the same benefits, so go get your Ishigaki supply from this LEGIT Ishigaki Glutathione Seller

However, if you want a rosy white glow, you would be better off with a different brand of glutathione capsules.

I also wrote a review of these two other brands of glutathione supplements. It is also a worthy read if you are into skin whitening:

If you want you can check out my video but this one is in Tagalog.

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  1. Nice blog . :)


  2. Thank you! I have read your review. It gives me motivation to continue my Ishigaki caps. I combined Ishi and swanson brand the vit. c with rose hips (you know?). I hope I will be able to see the difference within one week.


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